Sleep Hygiene: Small Changes, Big Difference
24 February 2025
Struggling to fall asleep? Or waking up in the middle of the night, unable to drift back off? You’re not alone – most people experience sleep issues at some point. And we all know how exhausting it feels after a bad night’s sleep, not to mention how frustrating it is lying in bed, trying to switch off.
That’s where sleep hygiene comes in. Sleep hygiene simply means building healthy habits that make good sleep easier. Small changes can make a big difference, such as:
- Switch off screens 30-90 minutes before bed – the light and stimulation keep your brain alert
- Dim the lights in the evening
- Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and clutter-free – no TV in bed!
- Avoid caffeine after midday to prevent it from disrupting sleep
- If drinking alcohol, have your last drink at least 2-3 hours before bed
- Have your last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime so digestion doesn’t interfere with sleep
- Manage stress during the day – frazzled days = restless nights
- Create a relaxing bedtime routine to help your body wind down. This could include dimming the lights, playing soft music, reading, meditation, breathwork, gentle stretches, or journaling. Adding aromatherapy (see below) can also help signal to your body that it’s time for rest.
How Aromatherapy Helps You Sleep
Ever caught a scent that instantly made you feel calm? That’s because smell is directly linked to the limbic system – the part of the brain that controls emotions, stress, and sleep. Certain essential oils can gently shift your body from ‘wired and awake’ to ‘relaxed and ready for bed.’
Here’s how to use aromatherapy for sleep:
In the evening: About an hour before bed, diffuse lavender, chamomile, or our Sleep Ease blend in an electric diffuser or oil burner to create a calming atmosphere. You can also spritz a lavender pillow spray or add a few drops of Sleep Ease onto your pillow. For an extra soothing effect, roll Sleep Ease onto your wrists and neck as a bedtime cue.
In the bath: A warm bath with 6–12 drops of lavender or frankincense (diluted in 10–20ml of carrier oil) helps ease tension and relax the body before sleep.
For an even more tranquil setting, light a Calm, Lavender, or Relaxing candle.
A Good Night’s Sleep Starts in the Day
The way you start your day can affect how well you sleep later. Try and wake up at the same time each morning, and then soon after get 10–30 minutes of morning sunlight, to help regulate your body clock. If natural light isn’t an option, use a lux light (with 10,000 lux).
For stress relief: Feeling frazzled? May Chang has a fresh, lemony scent that helps lift your mood and ease tension. Diffuse a few drops or apply (diluted) to your wrists for a quick reset.
For natural energy: Instead of another coffee, try citrus oils like orange, grapefruit, Happiness, or Energise – they help wake up your senses and boost alertness. Basil and rosemary are also great for focus – just inhale from a tissue or diffuse while working.
These simple, natural tips fit into even the busiest routine. Give them a go and see what works for you!